It’s been quite a while since I have been working on this project, and I regret that. I think about it pretty much every day, but usually procrastinate after work or school to get any work done, but I’m going to change that!
I wanted to make the landing page a little more fun for me when I run the server, so I imported bootstrap 4 and found a nice picture to cover the whole thing.

None of the links direct to anything. I properly should make useful links so I don’t have to navigate through the address bar all the time. Furthermore I got pretty far with the “blog” for these posts, need a few tests, admin authentication for creating new posts and of course some design.

Nevermind with the design, this look beautiful.
For tests I use RSpec and Factory Bot, here is an example:
RSpec.feature "AddNewPosts", type: :feature do
it "should create a new post as admin" do
login_as create(:admin), scope: :user
visit new_post_path
within '.post_title' do
fill_in 'post_title', with: "Post title"
click_link_or_button 'Create Post'
expect(Post.count).to eq(1)
expect(Post.first.title).to eq("Post title")
Also I believe I have found the font for this application, I really like Work Sans from Google Fonts, but I don’t know, it’s hard to tell at this point, but so far so good. And I want the colors to be yellow and gray.
Hope I find time to work on this again soon.
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