I posted a question on reddit whether or not other people might be interested in this project and my progress. The responses were positive, didn’t expect any answers at all. That puts a little pressure on me, getting the blog ready to go online and setting up a server. What I need now is to make the blog a little more representable, add a commenting feature, setup a server on digitalocean and get a domain. TLDs are very cheap, so I think I’ll just get housad.something to get started.
-- A couple of days later --
I have been very busy the last couple of weeks, but I have made some progress. I have bought housad.com and uploaded the project. I have developed the blog to a point where it’s ready for the internet

As you can see it looks a lot better now, and I have added a comment section where everyone is free to add their comment.
I always struggle to setup a server for rails apps, or at least to make them as effective as possible, but I’m pretty happy with the server I managed to set up this time. I bought the domain and server friday night and have been playing with the configurations over the weekend. I also managed to get SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt, which isn’t that hard, but I real struggled the first time, but have done it a couple of time since, so it wasn’t a problem this time. The site looks more professional with SSL, and I’ll be managing user logins so it’s important to have security on all layers, and it’s free, and it’s good for SEO.
From now on you will actually be able to read my blog, finally.
This whole blog project have been distracting me from my real goal of creating a site for tenants to book washing times, but it has been fun. It has gotten me started on the whole project and given me a feeling of accomplishment, instead of using one of the other blogging solutions.
But now I can really begin and finally share something with someone else.
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