*or from your couch, the bus or anywhere.
Since 2018
Easily book and rent out your amenities. With a central calendar, have a overview of all of your bookings. Invite others to assist in approving and declining bookings, as amenity managers. You have the option to require approval of terms before booking, and create a rulebook for every amenity.
Rent out your amenities1% of your CondoButlr purchase will contribute to removing CO₂ from the atmosphere
*Calculated based on the assumptions that we wash cloths twice a month, and spend 5 minutes accumulated when we are going down to our laundry room to book on paper.
apartments * washes_per_month * time_to_bookIt's estimated that booking through CondoButlr takes 30 seconds. This has been deducted from the savings calculation.
When you choose a yearly plan instead of a monthly plan, you get 2 months for free.